
Ned Dougherty lived a life that anyone searching for power and material wealth would deem successful – until the 1984 incident that caused his death. While medical personnel struggled to restart his silent heart, Dougherty left his body and experienced a series of events so vivid and unusual that they profoundly changed the rest of his life. The experience opened th door to encounters with various aspects of the divine spirit, including the “Lady of Light,” a being Dougherty later clearly identifies as the Virgin Mary. To Dougherty and others who have experienced her presence, the Lady is both guide and teacher, fostering spiritual advancement and sharing the Creator’s plan for humankind.
– From a featured speaker, former director, and media spokesperson for the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), and founder of the non-profit oragnization Mission of Angels

– Describes the experience that made a wealthy businessman abandon power, drug addiction, and dangerous moneymaking schemes for a life of spiritual purpose

– A vivid look at the “Other Side” – firthand knowledge for anyone who plans on dying

– A powerful lesson in overcoming personal obstacles such as addiction, apathy, and fear

– Describes a series of life-changing encounters with the Virgin Mary – a complement to the surprising number of Marian expericences occuring in recent years